MODULE 4 – The Set to Sell Meeting & Mastery Level Vendor Management, including The Adrian Bo Suburb Ratio – Physical Copy

$660.00 inc GST

You will receive a USB thumb-drive with the following training module allowing you to learn via your computer or smart television.


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You will receive a USB thumb-drive with the following training modules allowing you to learn via your computer or smart television.


The Set to Sell Meeting & Mastery Level Vendor Management, including The Adrian Bo Suburb Ratio

  • Ensure The set to sell meeting is separate to your listing presentation & learn the agenda
  • What is Adrian’s theory around Objective data vs subjective when it comes to vendor feedback and reporting?
  • Weekly vendor meetings to review price, presentation & marketing by using ‘The Adrian Bo Suburb Ratio’
  • Using the case study template as social proof as a journey for the typical sale campaign
  • Adrian’s tips on what to do if a sale campaign gets off track, or if days on market blow out

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