MODULE 1 – The Adrian Bo Database, Reactive Prospecting, KPI & Accountability System – Physical Copy

$660.00 inc GST

You will receive a USB thumb-drive with the following training module allowing you to learn via your computer or smart television.


SKU: OTM1P Category:

You will receive a USB thumb-drive with the following training modules allowing you to learn via your computer or smart television.

The Adrian Bo Database, Reactive Prospecting, KPI & Accountability System

  • Learn how Adrian Bo sold over 100 sales each year for 25 consecutive years through his database.
  • Best practice on how to grow and nurture a database at Mastery Level.
  • How to make your Database a valuable asset that provides passive & annuity style income
  • What is the difference between Reactive & Proactive prospecting?
  • What is The Adrian Bo Dialogue Matrix? How will it help you extract data effectively.
  • Adrian will appoint you with 5 KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) & request to be your weekly accountability partner indefinitely FREE OF CHARGE

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